Thursday, April 5, 2007

Digital Sketches

I haven’t posted here for a week or so. I was busy with preparing for the presentation, making up group project short video with Marko and Samuel, and doing poster assignment. Now everything’s done so I can post here. Although I was busy, I sketched every night on the computer.
So now, I present some sketches done on computer using tablet, which are a creature, a monster, and a robot rabbit. The purpose of drawing creature is for 3D class Independent Study proposal. I will do sculpture of monster so I did some sketches and that’s the one. Monster and robot rabbit are for DSG at concept art forum. I really like my latest work robot rabbit because of color management, character style, and shading.
I am also planning to post my life drawing stuff at By the way, is the forum where Myanmar people can enjoy presenting their art works, and sharing information and knowledge about art. Not too many people there yet, so if you come across to my blog and read about that, go there and post something. They will appreciate you.
Any crits or comment for my art works are appreciated.

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